Yin Yoga for the Overactive Mind
This sequence stimulates the Kidney and Urinary bladder meridian pathways, it has been created specifically with the intention to calm the mind and bring the nervous system back to equilibrium.
Set a centring thought and intention before your practice to align with this process. For example “Remaining present gives me ‘time off’ from my thoughts and worries”. “My intention is to remain present to the sensations in my body throughout my practice”.
Element: water Season: winter Colour: blue Emotion: fear, worry.
The kidneys are located at the lower back just behind the lower ribs, physically they are responsible for filtering blood and regulating other fluids. They are the Yin organ of the pair. Energetically they are the root of all life, and contain the ‘Jing’ or ‘vital energy’ that flows to the rest of the organs . They are responsible for birth, growth, reproduction, and development. The bladder is located in the lower abdoemen, it is the Yang organ of the pair and supports the kidneys to eliminate toxic fluid in the body. When these organs are in a state of disharmony, emotions such as fear and jealousy might arise, along with lower back weakness or pain.
Reclined Heros pose
Come to sitting on your heels, move your heels to your outer hips (option to sit on block for added comfort). Stay sat upright if you are already experiencing intense sensation to your knees and upper thighs. To intensify, lean back and use your hands for support, then lower to your elbows, eventually lie all the way back with the option to place a bolster/ {numerous} pillows beneath you. Your knees should maintain connection to the ground, if they are lifting up you have come too far.
Hold for 2-5 minutes (if your just starting out try 2 minutes and work your way up).
Straddled pose
(Option to sit on folded blanket/ block). Extend your legs away from each other (only to as far as feels comfortable), stay here if you are already experiencing sensation in your hamstrings and inner thighs. To intensify, walk your hands and lean your body forward. Use a pillow or bolster to rest your torso upon.
Hold for 1-5 minutes (if your just starting out try 1 minute and work your way up).
Toe Stretch
Come to sitting on your heals, tuck all ten toes under to stretch the soles of your feet. Lean your upper body forward and rest your hands on your thighs to ease intensity! Place a folded blanket under or behind your knees for added comfort.
Hold for 30 seconds - 2 minutes (start low and then work your way up).
Seal pose
Lay on your frontside and prop yourself up onto your forearms, so that your elbows are just forward of your shoulders. Here you are in sphinx pose, where you can stay if you are already feeling adequate compression in your lower back. To intensify, extend your arms keeping a slight bend in your elbows.
Hold for 2 - 5 minutes.