Yin Yoga for Anger Release
This sequence stimulates the Liver and Gallbladder meridian pathways, it has been created specifically with the intention to cleanse the mind and body from unprocessed anger and frustration.
Set a centring thought and intention before your practice to align with this process. For example “When I am free from anger, I feel happy and light”. “My intention is to release my anger to make room for happiness and light”.
Element: wood Season: spring Colour: green Emotion: anger/ rage
The liver and gallbladder are on the right side of the abdomen. Physically the liver stores blood, vitamins and minerals and is responsible for detoxification and producing bile which it sends to the gallbladder. The gallbladder stores and secrets bile which aids digestion. Energetically, the Liver regulates and stores the blood. It’s responsible for menstruation, and the smooth flow of vital energy, especially in the blood. If vital energy to the liver is not moving freely, blood and emotions will be stagnant, resulting in frustration and anger arising in excess.
Childs pose
Take your knees to a mats distance (slide a folded blanket under/ behind the knees for extra comfort!), bring your big toes to touch and extend your arms away from you. Let your torso soften towards the floor between your thighs and rest your forehead on your mat or on a block. Feel free to lay on a bolster/pillow if that feels more accessible!
Hold for 2-5 minutes (if your just starting out try 2 minutes and work your way up).
Half Frog pose
Lie on your front, with your arms extended or create a pillow for your forehead with your hands. Bring your knee up to the same line as your hip, keeping your knee at a right angle so your inner thigh rests on the ground. Place a folded blanket under the inside of your bent knee for added comfort!
Hold for 3-5 minutes (if your just starting out try 3 minutes and work your way up). Be sure to do both sides!
Reclined Butterfly
Lie on your back and bring the soles of your feet together, let your knees open towards the mat. Stopping at the first point of resistance and resting there. Place blocks/pillows under your knees for extra support! Place your hands on your belly and feel as your breath moves in and out of your body.
Cross your legs at the knee and let your heels move towards the line of your hips. If you are already experiencing sensation then stop here and still up tall. Remember you’ll be here for a while so don’t go too-deep, too-fast. Fold forward over your legs to intensify. If crossing at knees isn’t quite available to you, extend the lower leg and keep the top knee bent.
Hold for 2-5 minutes (if your just starting out try 2 minutes and work your way up). Remember to do both sides!