Yin Yoga to Let Go of Sadness & Grief
This sequence stimulates the Lung and Large Intestine meridian pathways, it has been created specifically with the intention to release sadness and grief.
Set a centring thought and intention before your practice to align with this process. For example “letting go of the grief I am holding onto makes space for lightness and love”. “My intention is to fully experience my emotions as a way releasing them”.
Element: metal Season: autumn Colour: white Emotion: grief/ sadness
The lungs are located in the chest, they filter the air we breathe which oxygenates our blood, and they expel carbon dioxide through the exhale. Receiving and letting go, keeping the movement in and out in a healthy exchange with the outer world. If that exchange is blocked emotionally by grief and sadness, it affects the smooth action of the lungs. The large intestine (the colon) stores and excretes waste. It’s also responsible for the absorption of water. On an energetic level, it reflects our ability to let go. If the meridian is blocked it may be an indication of holding onto what no longer serves our purpose.
Diagonal Childs pose
Come to sit on your heels, then spread your knees to as wide as feels comfortable. Walk your hands forward and allow your belly to soften in between your thighs. Walk your hands to one side, stopping once you feel a comfortable stretch along the opposite side of your body. Soften your elbows and rest your forehead onto the mat. Place a folded blanket under or behind your knees for added comfort.
Hold for 3-5 minutes - Remember to do both sides!
Sphinx w/ Half Frog
Come to lie on your front, rest your elbows just slightly infant of your shoulders to prop your chest up. Bend your knee to a right angle, aligning it with your hip joint. Keep the opposite leg extended and relaxed. Option to place a folded blanket to the inside of the bent knee for added comfort.
Hold for 2-5 minutes - Remember to do both sides!
Reclining Twist
Come to lie on your back and bend your knees into chest. Spread your arms to create a T shape with your upper body. Keeping your shoulders connected with your mat, then mindfully lower your knees to one side. Keeping your knees inline with your bellybutton. Look up to the ceiling or over the opposite shoulder if available.
Hold for 3-5 minutes - Remember to do both sides!